
notes from the director and my psyche*

genius george, the director: "nathania, is that how you seduce someone?!!?! be more seductive!!!"

nathania's inner monologue: jaowirjfslkfjslirjseilfsfuuuucklasdkkkkkfdddfffgetmeoutofhere! ican'tdothisinfrontofotherPEOPLE!alkfjwsdirjsdfksf.....!!!

i am seriously blushing on stage when i do this currently and it's about half of what he wants. maybe a quarter. not. fun.

shy nathania is still very present in me i guess. i thought/hoped she was mostly gone. at least this over-the-top-want-to-be-sucked-up-by-the-floor-and-beamed-to-a-parallel-universe sort of shy.

i guess this one thing just sticks me where i'm already sore. in two places: who the hell does she think she is trying to seduce this shorter, attractive guy?

*definition of psyche that adds an interesting and unplanned irony: a personification of the soul, which in the form of a beautiful girl was loved by eros.

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