
detour on the way home

i took two detours. one took me to south seattle to deliver cookies to a miracle of a new friend who was unexpectedly gentle and tender to me when i needed it most this week. their generosity was offered with open arms, quite literally, and i'm trying to convince myself that it was unequivocally given freely {though my doubts should not be seen as a reflection of the giver but of my own twisted insecurities}.

driving home i took another detour through the city and homeward via 15th.

this series of photographs happened along the way {can you tell i love wide angles and the sky?}:


bha said...

Now I see. Carpools are still the enemies of detours though. Actually thinking about it, it's a busy schedule that's the enemy of the scenic route - thinking about it that way makes me very much understand the struggle you mentioned in another post about being creative in small ways and often. It applies to me as well - despite my oft-jotted writings, business kills that side of me. Sometimes I wish we'd talked more while carpooling, but it also seems like just hearing music was enough, most times, and of course not distracting the driver is a bit safer =) Plus I get into ruts in the spaces between work and freedom that it's hard to break out of in order to think in another way - for example, to just converse with someone. For the record, I just checked out your blog for the first time since the last time I mentioned it, and since you said you started posting a lot. Good stuff. Longest comment ever - hope it resonates somewhat!

nathania tenwolde said...

well. driving to and from work has always been a transition. a time when i just go and don't have to be anything. somehow time in my car has always been sacred. even if it's just a few minutes here or there but particularly in my longer commute.