

i spent $15 on a power adapter today for the keyboard i'm borrowing from eden. sheer bliss. and possibility and probability and potential energy. i want to relearn moonlight sonata. i want to learn radiohead songs. i want the music to come from me. i want to be open and flowing. i want to be simultaneously calm and tumultuous like the water on lake washington today.

north side of the bridge: quiet, glassy surface.
south side of the bridge: looks like a tropical storm is brewing. white caps. rolling waves.

makes me think of the painting i need to finish. a simultaneous dream jai and i had. well, each a different one about the other, but at the exact same time. this painting merges the two. and i haven't finished it yet. but in many ways the scene it portrayed was one i saw today with the two sides of the bridge having the complete opposite surface conditions. it was even the correct sides of the bridge.

makes me want to finish the piece as well as the song that was a companion to the painting. sneaker waves. maybe that will be my artist date this week. that or organizing my art room. reorganizing. adding in an arm chair (which i haven't found just yet) so i can host people.

driving back was lonely. should've taken jesse home. had questions i wanted to ask and space i needed help filling.

currently listening to: cymbal rush - thom yorke.

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