[11.15.08 ten15am.com submission]
it's a lovely drive down interstate 5 through the nisqually region and willamette valley {my two favorite parts of the drive} and for the first time i was making it entirely alone. no mother. no siblings. just jasper {my car}, my music and myself.
the weekend was restful. it was grandma's 83rd birthday. we went out to dinner. we went to the trees. we stood by grandpa's grave {unfortunately the bench was too wet to use}. we bought some groceries. ate lamb chops for dinner. i finished my book astrid & veronika. took a nap. sudoku after dinner. early start the next day. silent drive home as i made some decisions about my meisner assignments for class.
music on the drive: horsefeathers. the village soundtrack. radiohead {at the very end}.
the view from grandpa's grave.
a typically wonky iphone photo, but good smiles.
the house is like a little museum of curiosities.
the objects and their implied stories have always fascinated me.
and i notice something new each time.
currently listening to: mondo '77 - looper {the current play count after having it on repeat for the last hour or two: 53}
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