
november's goal:

to get at least seven {7} hours of sleep every night.

this means good boundaries. very good boundaries.

no, you cannot write that blog about meisner or your new favorite song or post those wonderful pictures from the weekend. no, you may not reply to that email. no, you may not pick up and put away the day's clothes or do an artist's way activity.

just go to bed.

seven. full. hours.

so far the track record is 2/2 with daylight savings giving me 10-11 hours last night. pretty blissful. much needed. hopefully the med-dark circles under my eyes will go away.

currently listening to: a sunday smile - beirut {which, coincidentally enough, was also on repeat at the beginning of the year when my life was going topsy turvy with jaimini and my last move. i guess i'm trying to recreate the excited and more hopeful outlook.}

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