
goodbye ballard

i have less than one week as a resident of this lovely neighborhood. it's been a blast.

thank you for the lovely walks/runs out to sunset park overlooking the sound and golden gardens and the mountaints.
thank you for ballard market with the best chocolate chips ever.
thank you for the sunsets.
thank you for the sky.
thank you for the neighbors and the convenience of sonic boom and folktown.
thank you for my lovely rooms that felt like they were in a treehouse.
thank you for a fantastic housemate. i can't image better for this time and these themes i lived.
thank you for housing me in this mourning period.
and thank you for shoving me out of the nest at precisely the right moment.

5 days left and counting.

currently listening to: super collider - radiohead

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Tan,
May you ALWAYS leave and arrive with such gratitude. That was lovely. Love, Mom