
my reasons to give thanks.

{in no particular order}

1. meisner channeled through robin lynn smith who simultaneously supports and challenges me every single class.
2. my entire class {ditto on the note above}.
3. friends. friends who i can accept at face value. who tell me when they're disappointed in me or when i've hurt them. who aren't afraid of conflict. who tell me when they love me. who tell me when they have a crush on me {with no strings attached} or when they can't stand me at the moment. who share their delight of the universe. who surprise me and inspire me and call me forth to be a better person. who are honest. who walk their talk. you know who you are.
4. family. as daughter of two, the youngest of four and the eldest of two. and those who i wasn't born with but have chosen as parents or siblings. you know who you are.
5. my new home. all five flights leading up to it. the view from the window. the hard wood floors and a bathroom that is monochromatically gray/green. cap hill. the apartment managers dennis and yvonne. the red carpet in the hallways and the closet that holds more than one would imagine.
6. my art. the art i've made. the art that i will make. the people that are involved in the process. and the driving force behind it all that keeps me up at night and casts my world in shifting colors.
7. hope. {carefully excluding fantasies parading around in hope's clothing}
8. a broken heart. it burned like mad, but taught me more than i can fathom even now that i'm on the other side.
9. crushes. they burn like mad and reflect a less than flattering picture of myself which i must reconcile some day. certainly adds a spice to things.
10. best friends. perhaps this should have been at the top. yes, you know who you are. and you also know i have no words for you.
11. my magic. which i discovered i have again after my charmed apartment search.

currently listening to: matthew goode that is coming from my brother's computer.

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