
my new perch

last night i was so restless. tossed and turned for quite a while. the whole world had come to moment of departure. of leaping. of flying. and it's no longer just my life hanging on to the edge before letting go, but suddenly i'm connected to so many other lives that are there too. a whole nation is here, poised with me in their 'singular stories with a shared destiny'. i'm stealing his words, but they were elegant and beautiful words. carefully selected to be absolutely perfect.

and the crazy thing is: i don't even know the full extent of the change i'm about to embark upon. but somehow we {eden articulated this exact same thought today} both feel its place in the capital-'S'-Significance of my life. moving out. getting my own place. choosing a beautiful space over a bigger space. all these things. and they feel right and good. and it will work.

and so i wrote my deposit check today for the first place i looked at and it was love at first sight. i knew. i knew. i knew when i stepped into it and felt my soul resonate with excitement to live in the space.

and after looking at a cheaper and bigger (muuuch bigger) place today, i went back to this first studio to compare, and before i even got to the door, my heart had quickened in excitement and i knew.

so. yes. i will be living on capitol hill come the beginning of december. in my very own little perch.


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