
winter break

a much needed vacation. complete vacation from both work and class.

early in, i decided not to do anything i didn't want to do, so all meisner reading and prep work for the 20 minute piece (with rehearsals beginning next week) begin tomorrow.

in the meantime, i got to know my sewing machine, made four scarves, and played a three hour game of scrabble.

and re-re-re-re-re-re-reread sunshine by robin mckinley. i stayed in bed until 2pm two days in a row and finished it this morning. it was still fantastic. and the stabbing pain that hits somewhere between my heart and belly (or both simultaneously) every time i finish a good book does, in fact, lessen over time.
today i read the last lines, closed the book, and simply felt satisfied.

i'm not looking forward to work tomorrow.

but i am looking forward to friends of all shapes and sizes
returning from their respective vacations. e, a, and s.

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