
nights 25 to 40

the first thing i did after unloading my car last night was to exclaim over the drawers they have for me here. four in total. two for my clothes and two for my "desk." one half of my desk-ish drawers is given over to creative things like my postcards and stationary and journals while the other half is left for more practical things like check book, accounting things, bills, etc. the sheer luxury of organization is thrilling and the fact that i am not relying on a suitcase to contain my closet is swoon-worthy. and here i am, less than a month in. can. i. make. it?

luckily i have given myself two weeks {with the odd night spent with my sister and new baby} here with some dear friends. longer than i have stayed in any place so far.

already in the last two nights i have felt myself start to land, become productive and feel grounded again. here i have my own space, territory to lay claim to and suddenly clarity and focus returns. my diet is also improving, willpower returning. all these things intertwined in a way i have yet to understand entirely. but for now, it's enough to note the shifts and changes gently allowing answers to things surface as they are able.

welcome home, nat. for now.

writing from sou-zoo {south of the zoo} neighborhood, seattle, washington

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