
we are killing our geniuses

this is a lovely talk by elizabeth gilbert, the author of eat, pray, love.
it's about how genius of any kind, but particularly the brilliance of an artist, is a gift bestowed by the muses and not something we can control. our job is to show up and make our work. and if it sucks, that's only half our fault. the rest is up to the muse assigned to us.

she likens it to dobbie, the house elf. hiding in walls and appearing at some opportune {and not so opportune} moment. it's a gift on loan. and we are no greater as a person if it comes to us, and conversely no lesser a person if it does not.

{click here to take you to the talk and the TED pages}

evidently this is also part of a larger discourse the soul's code written by james hillman. this is the author of the practice of beauty that so stirred me a couple of months ago {let me know if you need a copy of that}. i'll definitely have to pick this up.

currently listening to: TED talks.

1 comment:

Nathan said...

thanks for the video. as a side note: TED talks are amazing! btw, i loved reading the story of class a few weeks ago!