
let down

i'm letting myself down again
my feet are brushing the floor
soon i'll be on my knees looking up at the sky
much like thom last night after the glorious guitar work that wrapped
up the show
it's done for now
my friends are dispersed
and i am trying to keep myself together at the airport while waiting
for my ride
because here i am
back again
dispairing that nothing is different
even though somewhere i know that this time everything is.

1 comment:

John Z said...

It's always interesting how small changes that are constant never get noticed.

Then one day you look around and wonder, "How the hell did I get all the way over here? I was certain that I never moved!"

You're moving. Just trust that you're moving. It's that whole "instant gratification isn't fast enough, I need pre-emptive gratification" thing biting you again.