
it's official!!!

i get to stay.
in my apartment. my lovely perch.
as long as i want.

thank you obama, for my little share in the stimulus package.
an extra $45 a week goes a long way for someone unemployed.
thank you, nathania, for listening to the little voice in your head that suggested you call the financial aid department at washington university instead of just submitting the forbearance requests for your loans. thank you, nice lady on the phone, for correcting my assumption and telling me to fill out the unemployment deferment forms instead. this means they can be deferred for up to three years with zero interest. yes, you read right. no interest will be accrued and capitalized on either of the two largish loans i have because of my fancy schooling.

all this means there is now enough extra money each month to go towards things like food and gas and other random necessities {like zone 21 parking permits i will now need since i'm staying past the current expiration date of may 31st}.

thank you, world, for all these little perks.
thank you for letting me leave my studio on my own terms
{whenever they may come up}
rather than having it wrenched away and replaced with something temporary or less exquisite.

thank you.
thank you.
thank you.

now i'm off to go grocery shop and workout {and you betcha' i'm going to buy a few fancy non-necessities i've tried my darndest to pretend didn't exist this past month or so like goat cheese and breakfast sausage}.

1 comment:

John Z said...

Huzzah! That is really good news!