
dreams of late

the viscous dremas started about a week ago with a dream about thom yorke.
somehow i found his cell number on the internet and stored it in my phone.
a security blanket.
a souvenir of sorts.
and then i accidentally called it.
he picked up and asked
who is this?
i could only be silent.
did you know this is the lead singer of radiohead {as in: why are you bothering me}
in my silence i thought: don't you realize i would recognize your voice anywhere???
calmly and politely: well, don't use this number.
or something to that effect.
after we hung up, i was considering calling back and politely telling him the number could be found on the internet and shouldn't he deal with that...
and that's where the dream ended.

two nights later i dreamt of the whole band.
they were touring.
it was crazy and hectic and skattered
and i don't remember much now that can be reconstructed except that i was traveling with them.

sunday, monday, tuesday and wednesday nights
have provided lots of nightmares.
dreams that stench and stick to me long after i wake up.
wars, futile searches, chases, awkward situations
and in one my books were being burned as part of the enemy offensive.

two nights ago i had one of the most vivid dreams i've ever had
my bed was situated by a sliding door leading out to a walk way.
there were plastic blinds clinking gently in the wind
and a shadow passed in front of the blinds and stopped at my door.
then the door slowly opened.
i waited to see who was entering
preparing a fierce scream if it was someone breaking in.
and sure enough, a man with a maniac smile and mid-length greasy hair entered.
so i opened my throat to scream but it was so tight with fear nothing came out
except an ineffectual little squeak
that only served to point his gaze, his creepy smile and a gun in my direction.
and i lay there frozen in terror for several long moments before i woke up.

that one was by far the worst i've had in a long time.
i had to stay awake for a few minutes
browsing email on my phone, staring at the ceiling, etc,
just to clear my brain palate.
because one a night is not enough and they keep coming.
usual several times a night.
these dreams of being chased down.

and i'm sleeping lots but fighting my way out of dreamland.
so each morning i wake up not so rested despite the long hours.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

please post to http://dreamsofthomyorke.tumblr.com/

let's figure this out