

nathania, this is your body.
body, meet nathania.

it's been a long time.

a friend rented space at a local studio
where i used to dance weekly
at the contact improv jams
(see below for explanation of c.i.).
their dance partner canceled so
i tagged along for a two hour block of
play. body-grounding play. where even
my recently pulled out neck couldn't get
in the way of the pure joy of movement.

it's been a long time since i've been in
this space. two years? perhaps
heading on towards three years.
it was really good to be back.
and while i'm trying to relate to my
body as an instrument of the senses
rather than an object of beauty
(or lack thereof in my paradigm)
i find in the dance space it is helpful
to move away from seeing myself as an
instrument of graceful or beautiful movement
(or lack thereof),
and instead approach my body
as an instrument of joy and impulses
and intuition - sometimes one hits the
zone of the dance floor and feels like
there is telepathic communication between
oneself and one's partner and it's
and that's just one of many joys of playful movement for me.
just one.

it was good to be back.

contact improv: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contact_improvisation

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