time suck. headaches. sore eyes. craigslist. notes made. numbers written. phone calls made. messages left and not returned. driving around in rain. apartment viewings. at worst, creepy buildings where something bad must have happened. at best, lovely spaces that are too small and not quite good enough anyway. asking price is too high. what can i afford. craigslist. craigstlist. craigslist. searching whether i want to or not. searching when i should be working or sleeping. trying to be open minded. looking in all of seattle but gravitating towards capitol hill, walking distance to everywhere because if you live here you can't afford your car or your parking spot. craigslist again till my eyes burn. hope.
hope for something so great that it leaps out at me. hope that i can afford it. hope that it even exists and is big enough. hope i make it through this and that we, my new space and i, have a happy reunion and lovely life together for as long as it lasts.
wish me luck.
and wish me sanity.
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