
paris in photos

too tired for many words tonight, so here are a few photos.

fresh from the plane. enroute to my friend. 
the morning light hitting my 16kg rucksack while 
i try to convince my body it's not bedtime.

2nd morning. pausing at monmartre cemetery on my run to the foot 
of the eiffel tower. a 2 hour running tour of the city.

my breath was taken away as i jogged around a corner and spotted st. augustine's cathedral.
a detour around it's perimeter was in order.

the first suns of the new year:


in between a rainstorm and the louvre.

overwhelmed merely by the sight of it, this is the 
closest i got to the louvre this trip. next time, darling.

from the top of the centre pompidou.

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