
notes from bc

in vancouver for the weekend with one of my favorite people.
staying in a hostel for the first time since 2004?
brisbane, australia.
{the one on the corner where i met you after a couple of years. how
many more until we meet again? you'll probably have kids by then.}
prone on a rickety twin bed under outdated covers and the lights are
my body is restless as i listen to lonely-making music {kaki king -
can anyone who hears this really be a bad person & montreal} and
daydream about the next two days of play and explore.

and, a mere month away will find me in new york city for a few days of
more explore and more play. and art. blessed intense living and
breathing art.

and, i feel good about life.

so thanks.

and yes.

Pardon the brevity of words, but this was sent from my iPhone.

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