i was on such a good roll. i mean, i posted three posts in two days.
i was back in business, ready to rumble and catch up on things, life, emails.
and then my tooth started hurting.
and then my tooth started really really really hurting.
and then it hurt a little less, which you can celebrate for all of two seconds until i tell you how swollen the right side of my face got.
in particular there was {still is but to a lesser degree} a stripe of swelling along the roof of my mouth, which, half-way through my emergency root canal on friday, i realized had not been included in the stabbing poke that was the administering of local anesthesia. and this was a problem because the plastic tent they threw over the whole area was somehow mysteriously attached to my mouth via the edge of my tooth and propped up against said swollen and tender part of my mouth.
the next twenty minutes, maybe thirty, were long ones indeed and not even my music was much help at that point. if i couldn't physically SEE the doctor doing something to my mouth then i just couldn't believe that progress {as well as the end of the jaw discomfort and tender-roof-swelling-poking} was being made. i mean, i could tell myself again and again that of course he must have really important things to do outside of my line of sight but it was quite an emotional challenge not to rip the stupid blue plastic mouth tent off and scream get back here and get this over with any time he disappeared.
it was a long week.
and now i have a sore throat.
and for the first time ever it feels like every single one of my neighbors is having a loud party of some sort tonight.
after living here for three months and hearing nary a peep or bass beat.
i find this rather frustrating.
but at least i can floss around the second tooth from the back {upper right} without pain. that's a first in years.
oh, and just for one more whinge: did i mention i don't have insurance and this all came out of pocket? yup. ouch.
oooooh, wait. one MORE thing. the guy that owns the car that scraped mine in our apartment's parking lot {his friend was driving it at the time}. well, when he heard the repairs were costing a grand more than he thought, he suddenly stopped returning my calls. ugh. i don't want to have to get mean on him, but by golly i will.
okey dokey. nighty night. i promise fun things will come tomorrow.
1 comment:
poor you! sorry babe.
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