
because inertia is just "transition" jumbled with an e added for good measure

zoe keating is on repeat tonight, switching back and forth between optimist and sun will seti find this combination to be an appropriate mix of encouragement and fatalism as i try and overhaul my life, making a list of habits i want to form* and goals i want to reach this year. what's left of the year that is.

and as i look at the tidy handwriting stretched taut and tidy over large pieces of clean craft paper, i find, tonight, that i am ready to be reckless, ready to take my arm across all the carefully placed pieces of my life and slide them right off the end of the table. what a satisfying sound they would make shattering on the wood of my floor...then i'd be free to pack up shop and cooly move to a new city. hell, a new country even {europe, you will still have me and my dutch citizenship, won't you?} because somedays it seems no matter how hard i try, no matter how hard i push the understood boundaries of myself, stretch into uncomfortable new places and learn from my mistakes, i still get nowhere.

because really, where am i?

where am i?
where am i?
where am i?  
and what am i doing?

do you know? cause i sure don't.

and really, today, right now, what kills me most, and truthfully is the source of my deep-set frustration, is that i can't tell the difference between inertia and transition. and for the record they both suck anyway with their uncanny ability to kick my teeth to the curb when all i really want is a warm hand to hold.

i don't often pray. not in the way i was taught as a child, but tonight i will bow my head and ask for a sign. something small. something sweet. something clear. just tell me which direction to go, even if it's not what i want to hear. just make sure to tell me with symbols i can read clearly and words i can understand.

and please tell me with a hug to soften any blows.

and really, what i truly want is my happy-laugh to come back. the joyful, easy laugh that flies cleanly and frequently from my body when i am relaxed, when i am well rested, and when i am firmly connected to my sense of wellbeing. it surprised me after a long absence in the first weeks of the film festival and made a cameo appearance on my friend's wedding day and long into that night, but i want it back. for keeps. i want it to be the default laugh, not this convincing shade of a laugh that secretly isn't attached to my spirit.

*one habit being sleep i am still neglecting as my fingers move across the keyboard to vent this post into existence well beyond my bedtime.

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